Blog Posts
Generating Music from Text Notation April 2023
An investigation into playing actual audio from a couple lines of ABC notation
UI Testing March 2023
Testing User Interface code sucks. It's difficult, fragile, and low value. The answer is easier than you think.
Internet People I've Never Met March 2023
There are a bunch of things I do today that originally came from 'internet strangers'. Maybe this is true for you too.
UX: Wide + Shallow or Narrow + Deep? February 2023
A framework for thinking about UX that applies to almost every visual product decision.
Mobile Homes are a Great Deal February 2023
Maybe shocking, but turns out that Manufactured homes, at least in the bay area, are actually really nice, and a very good value for your housing dollar.
JavaScript Bitwise Hacks - My Favorites February 2023
Bitwise hacks in JS can help you in your daily coding, even if you don't do a lot of nitty-gritty numerical and binary manipulation.
Style Guides at Small Companies January 2023
A style guide at a small company generates relief
Book Summary - Debugging Teams October 2022
As engineers & creators, problems are vague and certainty is rare. Still, large problems mean we need multiple people to move in the same direction.
Summary: Podcast on Recent Korean History August 2022
This excellent podcast series touches on Korean isolationism, Japanese occupation, Russian and US involvement, and the Korean war
Build: An Electric Bike September 2019
Make one of your own with twice the power for less money.
Build: A speaker mount floating over your TV August 2019
I found a simple solution for mounting a center speaker above a TV
Build: A slim and sleek TV stand August 2019
This stand uses integrated speakers to save space, and features a fold-down access door infrared remotes can go through
UI Trick: Range Slider With Two Handles November 2018
With a little bit of javascript, you can make two range inputs look like a modern two-handled range selector.
Private Properties in JS September 2016
In JavaScript, you can't hide object properties, so private instance properties are... impossible?
Making a Stopwatch app in IOS June 2015
My Very first iOS app. A Timer. How hard could it be?
Advice from the 1963 class of Harvard Business School June 2015
Be kind. Soon we’ll all be dead. - Dave Crowley
A Visa Extension in Thailand June 2015
Somehow government offices look the same everywhere.
Memory and Pointers in iOS (C and Objective-C) May 2015
If you are even a little uncertain about how pointers work, this post aims to clear it up.
Javascript Dev Revisits the `C` programming language after 14 years May 2015
I hadn't written a line of C since learning it in a high-school AP class.
Create an Infinite Scroll List with Bacon.js May 2015
In this tutorial, you'll learn to think "reactively" while building an infinite scroll UI using Bacon.js
Swift Changes Since Launch That'll Break an iOS Project March 2015
If you haven't touched Swift since Apple released it a year ago, some things have changed. Here's what I found.
Book: How to Fail and Still Win Big February 2015
An uncommonly straight-forward and practical how-to guide to success from the mind of an engineer turned cartoonist.
Archive Dropbox Every Night on OSX December 2014
A backup plan in case Dropbox goes haywire