What’s the current state of playing music in a web browser?

Meaning; given instructions on what notes to play (duration, pitch, etc), what does it take to actually hear some music?


I discovered ABC Notation recently. I already love text files and traditional music, so I’m all over this thing. Even better, it integrates with Obsidian. This means I’m close to a place where I can have a text file for each song I’m learning with Mandolin tabulature and a playable melody.

Have already:


Actually playing music in a browser seems… weirdly difficult.

I say “wierdly” because webpage background MIDI files were a thing like 30 years ago, but today it’s kind of tricky to “just play” something. This investigation will be the bulk of this article.

The Song

Here’s a song I’m learning called “Turkey in the Straw” (video), represented in the ABC Notation format:

T:Turkey in the Straw
B/2A/2|: G/2F/2G/2A/2 G B,/2C/2| D/2E/2D/2B,/2 D G/2A/2| BB  B/2A/2G/2A/2|BAA B/2A/2|
      |G/2F/2G/2A/2 G B,/2C/2| D/2E/2D/2B,/2 D G/2A/2| B d d/2B/2G/2A/2|1BAG B/2A/2:|2BAG A|
      |:B/2dB/2 dd| B/2dB/2 d2| c/2ec/2 ee| c/2ec/2  ef|
      | gg dd| B/2dB/2  AG/2A/2| Bd  d/2B/2G/2A/2|1 BA GA:|2 BAG B/2A/2|

This format is pretty readable. We can see it’s specifying Key of G (K:G), that the typical note length is a quarter note (L:1/4), and the meter is 4/4.

All the stuff at the bottom is the definition of what notes to play, for how long, and where the measures and repeats are.

Going from Text to Music

Let’s try working on this song with ABCJS.

We can generate visual sheet music like this:

ABCJS.renderAbc("output-area", SONG);

This is already really cool, because it’s rendered an SVG and the individual notes are addressable, which means you can highlight them as a song is played.

Next, we can add tabs, because maybe some people (🙋‍♂️) can’t read sheet music:

ABCJS.renderAbc("output-area", SONG, {
  tablature: [{instrument: 'violin'}]

Playing the Song as Audio

Now the main goal, let’s play the song, so we can tell if our practice matches what we’re supposed to play.

This involves a few too many steps, but it’s manageable. Here’s how it looks:

const visualObj = ABCJS.renderAbc("output-area", SONG)[0];
const midiBuffer = new ABCJS.synth.CreateSynth();
const audioContext = new AudioContext();

// browsers won't play sound unless it's based on a user event
document.querySelector("button.play").addEventListener("click", () => audioContext.resume().then(onAudioContextResumed););
document.querySelector("button.stop").addEventListener("click", () => midiBuffer.stop(););

function onAudioContextResumed() {
  // preloads and caches all notes needed. may be significant network traffic
  return midiBuffer.init({
    visualObj: visualObj,
    audioContext: audioContext,
    millisecondsPerMeasure: visualObj.millisecondsPerMeasure()
  .then(() => midiBuffer.prime()) // actually builds the output buffer.
	.then(() => {
    midiBuffer.start(); // At this point, everything slow has happened.
    return Promise.resolve();

One final tweak, let’s have adjustable speed to better support our “learning this song” beginner use case.

Add a slider:

<input type="range" class="speed" name="Song Speed" min="5" max="300" step="5">

Wire it up to a reset that seems to need debouncing:

speedSlider.addEventListener('input', onChangeSpeed);

const reset = debounce(() => {

function onChangeSpeed() {

Mix in some conversion functions from bpm to ms-per-measure and we’re done.

All Together Demo

Here it is on JSFiddle, a playable song with sheet music and tabs based on just a few lines of text definition:

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